产品中心 > 频谱分析仪 > 频谱分析仪 > 射频/频谱分析仪教学系统GRF系列
  • 射频/频谱分析仪教学系统GRF系列

  • 产品编号:07692
  • 产品名称:射频/频谱分析仪教学系统
  • 产品型号:GRF系列
  • 订货编号:
  • 市 场 价:
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  • 状    态:
  • 产    地:固纬电子
  • 简要参数:
  • 人    气:2234



 Designed for wireless frequency range applications
Includes a 880MHz Digital PLL and 2.4GHz microstrip line filter circuits
Training for the Voice Communication System
Demonstrates the applications and measurements for using spectrum analyzers in communication instruments
Instructional theory and hands-on experiments for each chapter covering topics in RF systems
Designed for the application of the RF Transmitter and Receiver systems
Specific RF circuit characteristics & PCB Layout on each module
Training system covering 22 modules, and over 50 experiments

Training Contents




Related Applications

The Fundamentals

Impedance matching network: L-type, π-type, T-type
Smith chart: theory and practical examples

Theory explaining

RF Component Test


Antenna parameter, antenna structure, antenna type

Frequency response

Antenna Design


Attenuator parameter, attenuator type, attenuator design

Attenuation characteristics

When the Signal is Too Big

Low Noise Amplifier

LNA parameter, 1dB compression point, LNA structure

Input and output return loss, amplifier gain, 1dB compression point

Small Signal Enlarged


Preamplifier type, preamplifier structure

Input and output return loss, amplifier gain, 1dB compression point

Small Signal Enlarged

Power Amplifier

Power amplifier frequency characteristics, bias circuit, power amplifier parameter, power amplifier structure

Gain flatness, 1dB compression point, fundamentals to harmonics ratio

Power Enlarge


Filter parameter, filter structure: Butterworth, Chebyshev

Input/output return loss, insertion loss

EMI filter Design


Mixer structure, mixer parameter, mixer type

Conversion gain, 1dB compression point, isolation

TV Tuner

Phase Locked Loop

PLL structure, frequency synthesizer, PLL controller, loop filter, design a PLL

Frequency response/modulation

Signal Generator

Audio Processor

Audio compression/decompression circuit

Pre-emphasis, compression characteristics, expander and de-emphasis, decompression characteristics

Wireless Microphone


Design and implement a modulation circuit

Frequency modulation

Remote Controller


Design and implement an FM intermediate frequency demodulation circuit

IF modulation, RSSI output



Transmitter parameter, transmitter structure

Transmission spectrum

Radio Set


Receiver parameter, receiver structure

Receiving signal spectrum, demodulation waveform

Radio Set

Voice Demo

Combine with transmitter & receiver circuits

Voice communication system


Microstrip Line Filter

Transmission line basics, stepped-impedance LPF, coupled line BPF, optimized HPF

Insertion loss



AC 110V or 220V, 50/60Hz


GRF-3300S 428(W) x 90(H) x 303(D)mm for Transmitter & Receiver, Approx. 8.4kg
GRF-3300K 560(W) x 170(H) x 530(D)mm, Approx. 7kg

Ordering Information

GRF-3300S Package Including Spectrum Analyzer GSP-830 + Tracking Generator(TG), RF Training System GRF-3300S
GRF-3300K Package Including Spectrum Analyzer GSP-830 + Tracking Generator(TG), RF Training Kit Sets GRF-3300Kning Kit Sets, 22 modules (12 for receiver and 10 for transmitter systems)
GRF-3300S(*) RF Training System, Two Systems (Transmitter and Receiver)
GRF-3300K(*) RF Training Kit Sets, 22 Modules (12 for Receiver and 10 for Transmitter systems)
(*)All GRF-3300S/K experiments are based upon GSP-830, we can't guarantee the result almost has its similarity by using other spectrum analyzers of their kinds.


1 射频通讯实验模块 GRF-2110 射频通讯实验模块(含GSP-810+TG)。 ¥64000.00
2 射频通讯实验模块 GRF-2727 射频通讯实验模块(含GSP-827+TG)。 ¥105000.00
3 射频通讯实验模块 GRF-2100 射频通讯实验模块(8组模块不含GSP-810+TG)。 ¥40000.00
4 射频通讯实验模块 GRF-2700 射频通讯实验模块(10组模块不含GSP-827+TG)。 ¥50000.00
5 射频实验系统 GRF-3300S 射频实验系统。 ¥14000.00
6 射频实验模组 GRF-3300K 射频实验模组(散件已焊接)微带线模块*2。 ¥15000.00
7 射频实验模组 GRF-3300B 射频实验模组(散件)微带线模块*2。 ¥12000.00
8 射频试验系统 GRF-3100S 射频试验系统(系统含发射端及接收端)。 ¥13000.00
9 射频实验模组 GRF-3100K 射频实验模组(散件已焊接)。 ¥14000.00
10 射频实验模组 GRF-3100B 射频实验模组(散件)。 ¥11000.00
11 射频实验模组 GRF-3110 射频实验模组(含GSP-810+TG+RLB)。 ¥40000.00
12 射频实验模组 GRF-3127 射频实验模组(含GSP-827+TG+RLB)。 ¥80000.00
13 射频试验模组 GRF-1300 射频试验模组。 ¥3500.00
14 射频通信系统 GRF-1300A 射频通信系统(增加混频器,2.4G带通滤波器)。 ¥4600.00